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TSSSIGN(1) User Commands TSSSIGN(1)


tsssign - Runs tsssign



Runs TPM2_Sign

key handle
input message to hash and sign
password for key (default empty)]
(sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512) (default sha256)]
signature algorithm (rsa, ecc, hmac) (default rsa)]
[-scheme signing scheme (rsassa, rsapss, ecdsa, ecdaa, hmac)]
(default rsassa, ecdsa, hmac)]
input counter file (commit count required for ECDAA scheme]
public key file name to verify signature (default no verify)] Verify only supported for RSA now
signature file name (default do not save)]
ticket file name]

-se[0-2] session handle / attributes (default PWAP)

01 continue
20 command decrypt

Depending on the build configuration, some hash algorithms may not be available.

November 2020 tsssign 1.6