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H2CLI(1) User Commands H2CLI(1)


h2cli - manual page for h2cli 1.2.3-




Hydrogen 1.2.3- [Jan 13 2024] []


Copyright 2002-2008 Alessandro Cominu
Copyright 2008-2022 The hydrogen development team

Hydrogen comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. See the file COPYING for details

The CLI of Hydrogen can be used in two different ways. Either for exporting a song into an audio file or for checking and an existing drumkit.


-d, --driver AUDIODRIVER - Use the selected audio driver

[jack, alsa, pulseaudio, portaudio, auto]

-s, --song FILE - Load a song (*.h2song) at startup

-p, --playlist FILE - Load a playlist (*.h2playlist) at startup

-o, --outfile FILE - Output to file (export)

-r, --rate RATE - Set bitrate while exporting file

-b, --bits BITS - Set bits depth while exporting file

-k, --kit drumkit_name - Load a drumkit at startup

-I, --interpolate INT - Interpolation

[0:linear (default), 1:cosine, 2:third, 3:cubic, 4:hermite]

Example: h2cli -s /usr/share/hydrogen/data/demo_songs/GM_kit_demo1.h2song \

-d GMRockKit -d auto -o ./example.wav

Drumkit handling:

-i, --install FILE - install a drumkit (*.h2drumkit)

against current drumkit format
against current as well as legacy drumkit formats
an absolute path to a folder containing a drumkit, an absolute path to a drumkit file (drumkit.xml) itself, or an absolute path to a compressed drumkit ( *.h2drumkit). If no target folder was specified using the -t option a backup of the drumkit created and the original one is upgraded in place. If a compressed drumkit is provided as first argument, the upgraded drumkit will be compressed as well.
If no target is specified using the -t option this command behaves like --install.
drumkit will be stored in. The folder is created if it not exists yet.

Example: h2cli -c /usr/share/hydrogen/data/drumkits/GMRockKit


-V[Level], --verbose[=Level] - Set verbosity level

[None, Error, Warning, Info, Debug, Constructor, Locks, 0xHHHH]

-v, --version - Show version info

-h, --help - Show this help message

January 2024 h2cli 1.2.3-