table of contents
HAXE(1) | User Commands | HAXE(1) |
haxe - manual page for haxe 4.3.6
haxe <target> [options] [hxml files and dot paths...]
Haxe Compiler 4.3.6 - (C)2005-2024 Haxe Foundation
- --js <file>
- generate JavaScript code into target file
- --lua <file>
- generate Lua code into target file
- --swf <file>
- generate Flash SWF bytecode into target file
- --neko <file>
- generate Neko bytecode into target file
- --php <directory>
- generate PHP code into target directory
- --cpp <directory>
- generate C++ code into target directory
- --cppia <file>
- generate Cppia bytecode into target file
- --cs <directory>
- generate C# code into target directory
- --java <directory>
- generate Java code into target directory
- --jvm <file>
- generate JVM bytecode into target file
- --python <file>
- generate Python code into target file
- --hl <file>
- generate HashLink .hl bytecode or .c code into target file
- --interp
- interpret the program using internal macro system
- --run <module> [args...]
- interpret a Haxe module with command line arguments
- -p, --class-path <path>
- add a directory to find source files
- -m, --main <class>
- select startup class
- -L, --library <name[:ver]>
- use a haxelib library
- -D, --define <var[=value]>
- define a conditional compilation flag
- -r, --resource <file>[@name]
- add a named resource file
- --cmd <command>
- run the specified command after successful compilation
- --remap <package:target>
- remap a package to another one
- --macro <macro>
- call the given macro before typing anything else
- -C, --cwd <directory>
- set current working directory
- --haxelib-global
- pass --global argument to haxelib
- -w <warning list>
- enable or disable specific warnings
- --dce [std|full|no]
- set the dead code elimination mode (default std)
- --no-traces
- don't compile trace calls in the program
- --no-output
- compiles but does not generate any file
- --no-inline
- disable inlining
- --no-opt
- disable code optimizations
- -v, --verbose
- turn on verbose mode
- --debug
- add debug information to the compiled code
- --prompt
- prompt on error
- --times
- measure compilation times
- --display
- display code tips
- --xml <file>
- generate XML types description
- --json <file>
- generate JSON types description
Compilation Server:¶
- --server-listen [[host:]port]|stdio]
- wait on the given port (or use standard i/o) for commands to run
- --server-connect [host:]port]
- connect to the given port and wait for commands to run
- --connect <[host:]port>
- connect on the given port and run commands there
- --swf-version <version>
- change the SWF version
- --swf-header <header>
- define SWF header (width:height:fps:color)
- --flash-strict
- more type strict flash API
- --swf-lib <file>
- add the SWF library to the compiled SWF
- --swf-lib-extern <file>
- use the SWF library for type checking
- --java-lib <file>
- add an external JAR or directory of JAR files
- --java-lib-extern <file>
- use an external JAR or directory of JAR files for type checking
- --net-lib <file>[@std]
- add an external .NET DLL file
- --net-std <file>
- add a root std .NET DLL search path
- --c-arg <arg>
- pass option <arg> to the native Java/C# compiler
- --version
- print version and exit
- -h, --help
- show extended help information
- --help-defines
- print help for all compiler specific defines
- --help-user-defines
- print help for all user defines
- --help-metas
- print help for all compiler metadatas
- --help-user-metas
- print help for all user metadatas
August 2024 | haxe 4.3.6 |