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dnf5-automatic - Automatic Command


dnf5 automatic [options]


Alternative CLI to dnf upgrade with specific facilities to make it suitable to be executed automatically and regularly from systemd timers, cron jobs and similar.

The operation of the tool is controlled by configuration files. Default values are set from /usr/share/dnf5/dnf5-plugins/automatic.conf config file. Host-specific overrides from /etc/dnf/dnf5-plugins/automatic.conf are then applied.

The tool synchronizes package metadata as needed and then checks for updates available for the given system and then either exits, downloads the packages or downloads and applies the updates. The outcome of the operation is then reported by a selected mechanism, for instance via the standard output, email or MOTD messages.

The systemd timer unit dnf5-automatic.timer will behave as the configuration file specifies (see below) with regard to whether to download and apply updates.


Apply random delay before execution.

The following options can be used to override values from the configuration file.

Automatically download updated packages.

Do not automatically download updated packages.

Automatically install downloaded updates (implies --downloadupdates).

Do not automatically install downloaded updates.


The service is typically executed using the systemd timer dnf5-automatic.timer. To configure the service, customize the /etc/dnf/dnf5-plugins/automatic.conf file. You can either copy the distribution config file from /usr/share/dnf5/dnf5-plugins/automatic.conf and use it as a baseline, or create your own configuration file from scratch with only the required overrides.

Then enable the timer unit:

systemctl enable --now dnf5-automatic.timer


The configuration file is separated into topical sections.

[commands] section

Setting the mode of operation of the program.

boolean, default: False

Whether packages comprising the available updates should be applied by dnf5-automatic.timer, i.e. installed via RPM. Implies download_updates. Note that if this is set to False, downloaded packages will be left in the cache till the next successful DNF transaction.

boolean, default: True

Whether packages comprising the available updates should be downloaded by dnf5-automatic.timer.

time in seconds, default: 60

Maximal time dnf5 automatic will wait until the system is online. 0 means that network availability detection will be skipped.

time in seconds, default: 0

Maximal random delay before downloading (only applied if --timer option was used). Note that, by default, the systemd timers also apply a random delay of up to 1 hour.

either one of default, security, default: default

What kind of upgrades to look at. default signals looking for all available updates, security only those with an issued security advisory.

either one of never, when-changed, when-needed, default: never

When the system should reboot following upgrades. never does not reboot the system. when-changed triggers a reboot after any upgrade. when-needed triggers a reboot only when rebooting is necessary to apply changes, such as when systemd or the kernel is upgraded.

string, default: shutdown -r +5 'Rebooting after applying package updates'

Specify the command to run to trigger a reboot of the system. For example, to skip the 5-minute delay and wall message, use shutdown -r

[emitters] section

Choosing how the results should be reported.

list, default: stdio

List of emitters to report the results through. Available emitters are stdio to print the result to standard output, command to send the result to a custom command, command_email to send an email using a command, email to send the report via email using SMTP sever, and motd sends the result to /etc/motd.d/dnf5-automatic file.

string, default: hostname of the given system

How the system is called in the reports.

[command] section

The command emitter configuration. Variables usable in format string arguments are body with the message body.

format string, default: cat

The shell command to execute.

format string, default: {body}

The data to pass to the command on stdin.

[command_email] section

The command email emitter configuration. Variables usable in format string arguments are body with message body, subject with email subject, email_from with the "From:" address and email_to with a space-separated list of recipients.

format string, default: mail -Ssendwait -s {subject} -r {email_from} {email_to}

The shell command to execute.

string, default: root

Message's "From:" address.

list, default: root

List of recipients of the message.

format string, default: {body}

The data to pass to the command on stdin.

[email] section

The email emitter configuration.

string, default: root

Message's "From:" address.

list, default: root

List of recipients of the message.

string, default: localhost

Hostname of the SMTP server used to send the message.

integer, default: 25

Port number to connect to at the SMTP server.

either one of no, yes, starttls, default: no

Whether to use TLS, STARTTLS or no encryption to connect to the SMTP server.

[base] section

Can be used to override settings from DNF's main configuration file. See dnf5-conf(5).


See in dnf5 source distribution.


Contributors to the dnf5 project.

June 8, 2024