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BST SOURCE TRACK(1) bst source track Manual BST SOURCE TRACK(1)


bst-source-track - Track new source references


bst source track [OPTIONS] [ELEMENTS]...


Consults the specified tracking branches for new versions available
to build and updates the project with any newly available references.

Specifying no elements will result in tracking the default targets
of the project. If no default targets are configured, all project
elements will be tracked.

When this command is executed from a workspace directory, the default
is to track the workspace element.

If no default is declared, all elements in the project will be tracked

By default this will track just the specified element, but you can also
update a whole tree of dependencies in one go.

Specify `--deps` to control which sources to track:

none: No dependencies, just the specified elements
all: All dependencies of all specified elements


Except certain dependencies from tracking
The dependencies to track [default: none]
Allow crossing junction boundaries