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BRICKD.CONF(5) File Formats Manual BRICKD.CONF(5)


brickd.conf - brickd(8) configuration file


The brickd.conf file specifies the configuration for the brickd(8) program that routes Tinkerforge Protocol (TFP) messages between Tinkerforge USB devices (Bricks) and sockets; plain TCP/IP sockets and WebSockets are supported. For further information see the brickd(8) manpage.


The file is line-based, each newline-terminated line represents either a comment or parameter of the form "name = value". Leading and trailing whitespace on a line is ignored.

Any line beginning with a hash (#) is ignored. But a hash in the middle of a line is used as-is, therefore it is not possible to put a comment at the end of a parameter. The hash and following text becomes part of the parameter.

Only the first equals sign (=) in a parameter is significant. Whitespace before or after the first equals sign is discarded. Leading and trailing whitespace in a parameter name is ignored. Leading and trailing whitespace in parameter value is discarded. Internal whitespace within a parameter value is used as-is.

The values following the equals sign in parameters are all either strings (no quotes needed) or integers.


Network Connectivity

The parameters with listen prefix control how brickd(8) listens for incoming plain TCP/IP, WebSocket and special Mesh Gateway connections.

brickd(8) binds a plain TCP/IP socket and a WebSocket to this address to listen for incoming plain TCP/IP and WebSocket connections. The address can either be a dotted-decimal IPv4 address or a hexadecimal IPv6 address. It can also be a hostname such as localhost. The default value is
The port number to listen to for incoming plain TCP/IP connections. The default value is 4223.
The port number to listen to for incoming WebSocket connections. The default value is 0 (disabled). To enable WebSocket support a port number different from 0 has to be configured. The recommended port number is 4280. It is also strongly recommend to enable authentication if WebSocket support is enabled.
The port number to listen to for incoming Mesh Gateway connections from a WIFI Extension 2.0 Mesh. The default value is 4240. Use 0 to disable Mesh Gateway.
If a IPv6 address is given as listen.address or the hostname given as listen.address gets resolved to a IPv6 address then this option controls if dual-stack mode gets enabled (on) or disabled (off) on the socket bound to that address. The default value is off.

Network Authentication

The Tinkerforge Protocol supports authentication on a per-connection basis. By default authentication is disabled for backward compatibility. If it is enabled then an IP Connection has to prove to brickd(8) that it knows the authentication secret via a handshake mechanism, before it can do any useful communication with Bricks and Bricklets.

The authentication secret is an ASCII encoded string with up to 64 characters. An empty secret means that authentication is disabled. If the secret is longer than 64 characters then brickd(8) will complain and refuse to start. The default value is an empty string (disabled).


Each log message of brickd(8) has a certain severity level attached to it. The visibility of log messages is controlled by their severity levels.

Log messages with a severity level above or equal to the configured level are included in the log output, all other log messages are excluded.

Valid levels are error, warn, info and debug. The default value is info. It means that log messages on error, warn and info level are shown, but messages on debug level are ignored. This can be overridden with the --debug command line option of brickd(8) that sets the severity level to debug.

If log.level is set to debug then the visibility of debug messages can be controlled by a comma separated list of filter statements (FIXME: Add more details about filter statements). The default value is an empty string (all message are included).


/etc/brickd.conf or ~/.brickd/brickd.conf


Please report all bugs you discover to


Matthias Bolte <>


Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Matthias Bolte


brickd is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2+. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.



For further information see

2017-10-11 Tinkerforge