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ARJ(1) Arj Software ARJ(1)


arj - Archiver for .arj files


arj command [-switch[-|+|option]] archive[.arj] [base directory] [!list name|path name|wildcard name]


Add Chapter to chapter archive.
Convert archive to Chapter archive.
Delete last Chapter from archive.
Add files to archive.
execute Batch or dos command.
Comment archive files.
Delete files from archive.
Extract files from archive.
Freshen files in archive.
Garble files in archive.
check Integrity of the arj program.
Join archives to archive
remove obsolete bacKup files.
List contents of archive.
Move files to archive.
reName files in archive.
Order files in archive.
Print files to standard output.
recover damaged arj file.
Remove paths from filenames.
Sample files to screen with pause.
Test integrity of archive.
Update files to archive.
Verbosely list contents of archive.
Where are text strings in archive.
eXtract files with full pathname.
copY archive with new options.


skip time-stamp Check
Exclude paths from names
Freshen existing files
Garble with password
with no progress Indicator
with Method 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
only New files (not exist)
Recurse subdirectories
Update files (new and newer)
enable multiple Volumes
assign Work directory
eXclude selected files
assume Yes on all queries
enable ARJ-PROTECT damage protection


Disables switch char
Inhibits ARJ_SW usage
+var: set environment variable
Set 1 token per response file line
Set list char (!)
Set batch critical error handler
Select files by number
Add/extract volume label
$A: add/extract label to drive A
Allow any file Attribute
a1: any files, directories and UNIX special files
Backup changed files
b1: Backup changed, reset archive bits
b2: only reset archive bits
b3: reset archive bit during restore
b4: do not restore bits, reset arc
b5: do not restore any file attributes

Skip time-stamp Check
Delete added files asks permission before deleting
d1: Delete without permission (same as arj m)
d2: Truncate instead of deleting

Exclude paths from names
e1: Exclude base dir from names
Freshen existing files
f1: Freshen with OLDER files
f2: Freshen with DIFFERENT files
f3: Freshen with CRC mismatched files

Garble with password
gstew: garble with password stew
g?: prompt for password

Show no progress Indicator
i1: show bar graph Indicator
i2: show percentage and bar graph
i3: total progress percentage
i4: total progress bar graph
i5: total percentage and bar graph
i6: total percentage and file graph

Keep a .bak of arj archive
Create List_name file
lnames.list: create names.list
With Method 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
m0: store (no compression)
m1: good compression (default)
m2: less memory and compression
m3: FAST! less compression
m4: FASTEST! least compression

Only New files (not exist)
o:       on today
o19901225: on/after 12/25/1990
ob:       before today
ob19901225: before 12/25/1990
od: no older than N Days
od5: five or less days old
oa: After YYYYMMDDHHMMSS (last access)
oa:       on today
oa19901225: after 12/25/1990
oab: Before YYYYMMDDHHMMSS (last access)
oab:      before today
oab19901225: before 12/25/1990
oc: After YYYYMMDDHHMMSS (created)
oc:       on today
oc19901225: after 12/25/1990
ocb:      before today
ocb19901225: before 12/25/1990

Match using full Pathnames
p1: match Pathname with subdirs
Query on each file
Recurse subdirectories
Set archive time-Stamp to newest
s1: save original time-Stamp
s2: set archive time-Stamp
s3: save both original time-Stamps

Set file Type (default 0)
t0: set binary file type
t1: set C text file type
t1f: force C text file type
t1g: set C text with graphics

Update files (new + newer)
u1: Update files (new + OLDER)
u2: Update files (new + different)
u3: Update files (new + CRC mismatch)

Enable multiple Volumes
v360: build 362000 byte volumes
v50K: build 50000 byte volumes
va: auto-detect space available
vd/tmp/*: delete /tmp/*
ve: use alternate volume naming
vi: inhibit diskette change test
vr50K: reserve 50000 bytes of space on first volume
vs: provide command prompt
vscmd: execute cmd before each vol
vv: beep between volumes
vw: keep Whole files in volumes
vz: provide command with no echo
v360,v720,v1200,v1440: abbrevs Volume options may be in any order

except s and z which must be last

Assign Work directory
w/tmp: use /tmp as work directory
eXclude selected files
x*.sh: exclude *.sh files
x!names: exclude files in names multiple exclusions are allowed

Assume Yes on all queries except diskette volume prompts
Use this switch for batch mode
Supply archive comment file _ Convert filenames to lower case
zarc.cmt: use arc.cmt for comments
z/dev/null: use to strip comments


Append date string to name
h#1: append time string to name
h#2: append DHHMMSS to name (custom: h#{Y,M,D,N,h,m,s})

Try to use longnames (Win2000)
Obsolete synonym for -2 group of options
Ignore readonly Attribute
Select by file attribute/type
a - archive bit set
b - archive bit clear
r - readonly
s - system
h - hidden
d - directory
n - normal file, not d,h,r,s,c,l
c - chapter label
l - volume label
f - abbrev for n,d,r,s,h
u - UNIX special files
w - win95 long filenames
hb: select all types
hbsh: select hidden, system only
hbd: select dirs only

Execute Command at arj start
hcclear: execute clear
Skip test of security Envelope
he1: set error on security Envelope
Set short filenames only
hf1: set longnames in file comment or extract with w95lname.nnn
hf2: use long filenames in DOS
hf3: set longnames in file comment using shortname wildcards
hf4: set all files archived in Windows as Windows long filenames

Specify garble module filename set as name of garble module
hg!: specify use of 40 bit encryption

Detailed display in Index files
Build data protection record
Default amount of recovery data
hk1: more recovery data
hk9: maximum amount of recovery data

Disable ARJ-PROTECT when used with the "y" command

Return error for Listfile error
Increase file list capacity
hm!: redirect -hm temp file
hm! : move temp file to XMS mem
hm!/tmp : move temp file to /tmp

Specify non-existent filespec
hn####: set #### as filespec
Only extract files with matches
ho1: Only extract files without matches
Ignore open access error on adds
hq1: ignore open not found error on adds
hq2: ignore access and not found on adds

Try to ignore archive errors
Disable file Sharing
Set Target directory
Allow Update of volume archives
Check for arj version
Scroll save search filename display
hw1: display only filenames with matches
Set default archive extensions
set arj32 to use ANSI codepage set arj to extract ANSI codepage archive
hy1: force arj32 to use OEM codepage
hy2: force arj32 to use ANSI codepage

Create an ARJ-SECURITY envelope
Store only CRC and not the file
j#1: store only date, size, attributes
j#2: restore file attributes
j#3: restore file dates
j#4: restore file attributes and dates

Do not process file DTA and DTC
Set P command to display ANSI
ja1: inhibit the display of comments
Set chapter backup processing
jb0: clear chapter archive status
jb*: select all chapter backup files

Exit after Count of files
jc5: exit after 5 files
jc nam1 nam2: exit after 2 files

Ensure free Disk space
e -jd50K: skip file if<50000 free
l -jd1000: set error if<1000 free

Create self-extracting archive
je1: create SFXJR archive
Store/use Full specified path
jf1: store/use path minus drive
Set Huffman buffer size
jh65535: set to 65535 bytes (max)
jh2048: set to 2048 bytes (min)

Create Index file
jiindex.file: create index.file
Keep temp archive on error
Display only filespecs
Set Maximum compression mode
jm1: set faster Maximum compression
Restart volumes at fileName
jn/bin/test: restart at /bin/test
jn: get restart information from previously written index file

Query when updating archive file
jo: extract to unique Output names
jo1: extract to unique Output names keeping file extension

Pause after each screenful
jp50: pause, set page size to 50
Set string parameter
jqstring: set parameter to string
Recover broken archive files
jr1: Recover badly broken archive files
Store archives by suffix (default is arj, arc, lzh, pak, rar, zip, zoo, j, and uc2).
js.zoo: store only .zoo files
Test temporary archive by CRC
jt1: Test CRC and file contents
jt2: Test only added file contents
jt3: Test only file date-time and size

Translate UNIX style paths
Set Verbose display
jv1: set special verbose list mode
Set extract output filename
jwnew.file: output to new.file
Start at eXtended position
jx10000: start at position 10000
Suppress queries assuming Yes
a - skip append query
c - skip create directory query
d - skip delete files query
k - skip disk space available query
n - skip new filename prompt
o - skip overwrite file query
r - erase all type-ahead before query
s - skip scanned enough text query
v - skip proceed to next volume query
y - accept single character Y/N/A/Q
jycny: skip create, new name queries in single character

input mode

Supply file for file comment
jzfile.cmt: use file.cmt for comments
jz/dev/null: use to strip file comments

Serialize names on extraction
[UNIX] restrict to Block devices
2b or 2b.: current device only
2b-/usr: all except where /usr is located

[OS/2, NT] handle Crit. EAs only
arj/DOS compatibility mode
2d1: (OBSOLETE) comment compatibility
[OS/2, NT] filter Extended attrs
2e.*: pack/unpack system EAs only
2e.ICON?: pack/unpack icons only
2e: disable EAs handling

Disable comment serialization across multiple volumes
[UNIX] Disable hardlink handling
2h1: Extract hardlinks as symlinks
Skip century display in dates
2k1: use a non-ambiguous date display format
[OS/2, NT] treat .LONGNAME EAs as filenames when possible
[UNIX] store/restore file ownership
2o1: Store numeric UID/GID values 2o2: Same as -2o but saves group as well
Specify process Priority class
OS/2, NT: 2p1...2p4
Linux, FreeBSD: 2p1...2p41

Revert directory Recursion order
[UNIX] preserve Symlink properties
[OS/2, NT]: eXclude extended attrs
2x.ICON?: ignore icons


Save path information in archive
Save long filenames
Save/restore extended attributes
Save/restore file date-time created and accessed in Win95 and OS/2
Save timestamps in the UNIX format under UNIX-like operating systems
Don't save drive and root in path information
Display comment ANSI sequences with built-in display handler
Prompt before overwriting output files
Use method 1 compression
Use binary mode
Use ! as list file symbol
The "ac" command is an abbreviation for "u -u2 -jb"
The "cc" command is an abbreviation for "y -jb"
The "dc" command is an abbreviation for "d -jb"

Under Win32, arj uses OEM codepage by default. The "-hy" option sets arj to use the ANSI codepage which is the Windows graphical environment default. arj/Win32 self-extracting archives should be built using the "-hy" option.

To ensure compatibility with previous versions of arj, the "-2d" parameter has to be specified when archiving under UNIX.


abort out of arj
always assume yes for current type of query
always assume no for current type of query
always assume yes for all queries except diskette volume prompts
prompt for and execute one system command


ARJ_SW = -jyry -jv -i1
ARJ_SW = /etc/arj.cfg


Warning (specified file to add to archive not found, specified file to list, extract, etc., not found, or answering negatively to "OK to proceed to next volume..." prompt)
Fatal error
CRC error (header or file CRC error or bad password)
ARJ-SECURITY error or attempt to update an ARJ-SECURED archive
Disk full or write error
Cannot open archive or file
Simple user error (bad parameters)
Not enough memory
Not an arj archive
[DOS] XMS memory error (read or write)
User control break
Too many chapters (over 250)


arj a -e archive *
arj a archive name1 name2
arj a -jt archive *
arj a -jm archive *
arj a archive ... dir1 dir2 dir3
arj a -hm1 -r archive *
arj ac archive /foo/dir/* -r
arj c archive -zcmt.fil
arj cc archive
arj y archive -jb0
arj dc archive *
arj c archive -z/dev/null
arj e archive
arj x archive
arj e archive -u -y
arj e archive subdir/* -p1
arj x archive destdir/ *
arj x archive * -htdestdir
arj x archive "Some Dir/ "
arj x archive "-htSome Dir"
arj x archive -hf2
arj l archive
arj m archive *.tex
arj e -d archive *.tex
arj x archive -jr
arj t archive
arj t *.arj -hr
arj a -va /floppy/archive *
arj a -va /floppy/archive.001
arj x -v /floppy/archive
arj a -va -je /floppy/archive *
arj y -je1 archive
arj a /floppy/backup /foo -a1 -b2 -r -vvas -w/foo -js -jt -hk
arj x /floppy/backup /foo -vv -y


If the first two characters of an arj comment are "))" in a self-extractor, then the self-extractor will accept the appended line as its command line.

")) -o" will force the self-extractor to overwrite existing files.


rearj(1), unarj(1), arj-register(1).


This manual page was written by Ola Lundqvist <> in pod format, then converted by Guillem Jover <> to nroff format.

2004-10-18 3.10