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AVBTOOL(1) User Commands AVBTOOL(1)


avbtool - Android platform tools


usage: avbtool [-h]

{generate_test_image,version,extract_public_key,make_vbmeta_image,add_hash_footer,append_vbmeta_image,add_hashtree_footer,erase_footer,zero_hashtree,extract_vbmeta_image,resize_image,info_image,verify_image,print_partition_digests,calculate_vbmeta_digest,calculate_kernel_cmdline,set_ab_metadata,make_atx_certificate,make_atx_permanent_attributes,make_atx_metadata,make_atx_unlock_credential} ...


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Generates a test image with a known pattern for testing: 0x00 0x01 0x02 ... 0xff 0x00 0x01 ...
Prints version of avbtool.
Extract public key.
Makes a vbmeta image.
Add hashes and footer to image.
Append vbmeta image to image.
Add hashtree and footer to image.
Erase footer from an image.
Zero out hashtree and FEC data.
Extracts vbmeta from an image with a footer.
Resize image with a footer.
Show information about vbmeta or footer.
Verify an image.
Prints partition digests.
Calculate vbmeta digest.
Calculate kernel cmdline.
Set A/B metadata.
Create an Android Things eXtension (ATX) certificate.
Create Android Things eXtension (ATX) permanent attributes.
Create Android Things eXtension (ATX) metadata.
Create an Android Things eXtension (ATX) unlock credential.
April 2024 avbtool 35.0.1