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WAYPROMPT(1) General Commands Manual WAYPROMPT(1)


wayprompt - prompt dialog for Wayland


wayprompt [-h] [--help]
wayprompt [--title] [--description] [--prompt] [--error] [--button-ok] [--button-no-ok] [--button-cancel] [--wayland-display] [--get-pin] [--json]


wayprompt is a prompt dialog tool for Wayland. It can display messages, optionally with buttons and query for secrets. The wayland server must support the wlr-layer-shell-unstable-v1 protocol extension.

The wayprompt executable described in this manual page represents the command line version of wayprompt. The following other versions are available as well:

pinentry-wayprompt(1): The pinentry version of wayprompt.

All wayprompt versions use the same configuration file. Read wayprompt(5) for more information on configuring wayprompt.


-h, --help

Print help text and exit.

--title <string>

Set the title of the dialog window.

--description <string>

Set the main text of the dialog window.

--prompt <string>

Set the prompt over the pin area. This may only be specified in combination with --get-pin.

--error <string>

Set the error message displayed on the bottom of the dialog window.

--button-ok <string>

Set the text of the ok button. Note that the button is only displayed if text is set for it.

--button-cancel <string>

Set the text of the cancel button. Note that the button is only displayed if text is set for it.

--button-not-ok <string>

Set the text of the not-ok button. Note that the button is only displayed if text is set for it.

--wayland-display <string>

Set the wayland display name wayprompt should connect to. Note that normally wayprompt tries to get this from the WAYLAND_DISPLAY environment variable.


Active the pin mode, allowing users to type a secret into wayprompt.


Format output as JSON, useful for machine parsing.


wayprompt outputs status in a simple format to stdout. The first line will be

user-action: <status>

where <status> is one of either ok, not-ok or cancel. Is --get-pin used, making wayprompt prompt for a secret, then a second line is outputted. This is either

pin: <secret>

in the case of the ok button being used or the Enter key being pressed, where <secret> is the entered secret. Or alternatively

no pin

in the case of either the not-ok or cancel button being used, the Escape key being pressed, or the secret being empty on confirmation.


Leon Henrik Plickat


pinentry-wayprompt(1), wayprompt(5)
