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git-annex-reregisterurl(1) General Commands Manual git-annex-reregisterurl(1)


git-annex-reregisterurl - updates url registration information


git annex reregisterurl [key]


This plumbing-level command updates information about the urls that are registered for a key.


For each key, update any urls that are currently claimed by the specified remote to be instead used by the web special remote.
This could be used eg, when a special remote was needed to provide authorization to get an url, but the url has now become publically available and so the web special remote can be used.
Note that, like git-annex unregisterurl, using this option unregisters an url from a special remote, but it does not mark the content as not present in that special remote. However, like git-annex registerurl, this option does mark content as being present in the web special remote.
In batch input mode, lines are read from stdin, and each line should contain a key.
When in batch mode, the input is delimited by nulls instead of the usual newlines.
Enable JSON output. This is intended to be parsed by programs that use git-annex. Each line of output is a JSON object.
Messages that would normally be output to standard error are included in the JSON instead.
git-annex-common-options(1) can be used.






Joey Hess <>