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wwctl-node-set - Configure node properties


wwctl node set [OPTIONS] PATTERN [PATTERN ...]


This command sets configuration properties for nodes matching PATTERN.

Note: use the string 'UNSET' to remove a configuration


-a, --all[=false] Set all nodes

--asset="" Set the node's Asset tag (key)

-c, --cluster="" Set cluster group

--comment="" Set arbitrary string comment

-C, --container="" Set container name

-e, --discoverable[=""] Make discoverable in given network (true/false)

--diskdel="" delete the disk from the configuration

--diskname="" set disk device name for the partition

--diskwipe[=""] whether or not the partition tables shall be wiped

-f, --force[=false] Force configuration (even on error)

--fsdel="" delete the partition from the configuration

--fsformat="" format of the file system

--fsname="" set the file system name which must match a partition name

--fspath="" the mount point of the file system

--fswipe[=""] wipe file system at boot

-G, --gateway="" Set the node's network device gateway

-h, --help[=false] help for set

-H, --hwaddr="" Set the device's HW address for given network

-i, --init="" Define the init process to boot the container

-I, --ipaddr="" IPv4 address in given network

--ipaddr6="" IPv6 address

--ipmiaddr="" Set the IPMI IP address

--ipmiescapechar="" Set the IPMI escape character (defaults: '~')

--ipmigateway="" Set the IPMI gateway

--ipmiinterface="" Set the node's IPMI interface (defaults: 'lan')

--ipminetmask="" Set the IPMI netmask

--ipmipass="" Set the IPMI password

--ipmiport="" Set the IPMI port

--ipmitagadd=[] add ipmitags

--ipmitagdel=[] remove ipmitags

--ipmiuser="" Set the IPMI username

--ipmiwrite[=""] Enable the write of impi configuration (true/false)

--ipxe="" Set the iPXE template name

-A, --kernelargs="" Set Kernel argument

-K, --kerneloverride="" Set kernel override version

--mtu="" Set the mtu

-D, --netdel="" Delete the node's network device

-N, --netdev="" Set the device for given network

-M, --netmask="" Set the networks netmask

--netname="default" Set network name for network options

--nettagadd=[] network tags

--nettagdel=[] delete network tags

--onboot[=""] Enable/disable network device (true/false)

--partcreate[=""] create partition if not exist

--partdel="" delete the partition from the configuration

--partname="" set the partition name so it can be used by a file system

--partnumber="" set the partition number, if not set next free slot is used

--partsize="" set the size of the partition, if not set maximal possible size is used

-p, --primarynet="" Set the primary network interface

-P, --profile=[] Set the node's profile members (comma separated)

--root="" Define the rootfs

-R, --runtime=[] Set the runtime overlay

--tagadd=[] base key

--tagdel=[] remove this tags

-T, --type="" Set device type of given network

-O, --wwinit=[] Set the system overlay

-y, --yes[=false] Set 'yes' to all questions asked


-d, --debug[=false] Run with debugging messages enabled.

-v, --verbose[=false] Run with increased verbosity.

--warewulfconf="" Set the warewulf configuration file




27-May-2024 Auto generated by spf13/cobra

May 2024 Auto generated by spf13/cobra